City of Riverdale
Recent News About City of Riverdale
Scott County (IA) ranked 174th among counties in highest exporting metros
Scott County (IA) ranked 174th in trade with $384.83 million in exports in 2018.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: City staffing issues take main stage
Earlier this year, the City Council met for a goal-setting session and identified the need to improve the responsiveness of the City to the needs of its residents as a top priority.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Sinkholes appearing in backyards signals drainage issues for Riverdale residents
Last year, Riverdale resident, Jim Beran, asked the City Council to look into a problem he was having with storm water backflowing into his home from the drainage system installed behind his house.
59 living veterans in Scott County have earned Purple Heart, Medal of Honor or POW Medal
The number of living Purple Heart, Medal of Honor, or POW Medal recipients in Scott County, Iowa for fiscal year 2017 was 59, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The white population in Riverdale increases by 44 people between 2017 and 2018
The white population in Riverdale increased by 44 people between 2017 and 2018, according to U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey.
African American population in Riverdale unchanged between 2017 and 2018
African American population in Riverdale remained between 2017 and 2018, according to U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Bulky waste and yard waste pickups suspended due to COVID-19
The City was notified by Republic Services that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were changing the nature of the services they were providing to cities (Riverdale among them) for the foreseeable future.
CITY OF MUSCATINE: Parks and Community Room remain closed for the month of April
Based on conversations with state and local public health officials and out of an abundance of caution related to the current COVID-19 outbreak, Mayor Mike Bawden has extended the shut down of the city’s community room at City Hall and closed Riverdale’s parks to general public access for the month of April.
Riverdale ranked 85th in state for resident earnings in 2017
Riverdale ranked 85th among cities in Iowa by annual earnings per resident, according to data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau in August.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Looking for something to do while you’re at home? Complete your online census form, today!
Looking for something to do while you wait out the coronavirus pandemic at home?
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Meeting Notice: Regular City Council Meeting (03-10-20)
Meeting Notice: Regular City Council Meeting (03-10-20)
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Quad Cities Red Cross is giving away smoke alarms
The RED CROSS is currently providing free smoke alarms to residents in need of new or replacement alarms.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Meeting with the City Engineer gives a glimpse of Riverdale’s future
The first, quarterly public information meeting with a representative from MSA Professional Services (the City’s engineering consultant) was held on Wednesday, February 19 at 4pm.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Public intake session on City Staffing scheduled for Monday, March 2 at 6pm
The City Council has scheduled a public intake session to hear citizen comments concerning staffing levels, duties, costs and hours of operation to start July 1
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Visitation and Celebration of Life planned for fallen Riverdale firefighter
Riverdale bids goodbye to Firefighter Analiese Chapman who passed away on February 2 due to complications from Cystic Fibrosis
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Woods Estates of Riverdale is officially “open for business”
On a chilly Wednesday morning (February 5th), Mayor Mike Bawden cut the ribbon to officially open the Woods Estates of Riverdale subdivision to the public.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Riverdale to be among the first to receive fiber optic service
In a call Thursday evening with MetroNet, Mayor Mike Bawden was informed that Riverdale’s neighborhoods would be among the first in the Quad Cities to receive broadband, fiber optic service from the company when that service goes live in early March.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Riverdale mourns loss of firefighter Analiese Chapman
Riverdale firefighter, Analiese Chapman, passed away from complications related to Cystic Fibrosis on Sunday, February 2, 2020.
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Official opening of Woods Estates of Riverdale set for February 5th
Official opening of Woods Estates of Riverdale set for February 5th
CITY OF RIVERDALE: Mayor and City Council work up goals for Riverdale for the next two years
At their January 5th work session and following City Council meetings, the Mayor and members of the Council developed an ambitious list of goals and objectives to keep Riverdale moving forward for the next two years (and beyond).