City of Riverdale issued the following announcement on Apr. 30.
The City of Riverdale is looking for a college student interested in accounting, finance, public administration or business. Our summer, administrative intern position pays in both experience and cold, hard cash.
Okay, well maybe a little more experience than cash …
“We’re hoping to find an energetic, college-aged student who is interested in learning more about how cities and governments work – and, at the same time, help us wrangle some pretty big projects we’ve got on the slate for the summer,” explained Mayor Mike Bawden. The mayor explained he had pulled together a rather lengthy list of projects – ranging from conducting a community-wide survey of residents to helping put together a long-range financial plan for the city.
The position pays $12/hour and is limited to no more than 21 hours of work per week.
Interested applicants should send an introductory email to the mayor no later than noon on Friday, May 8th. In the email, applicants are asked to provide their name, phone number and a brief summary of what interests them about working in municipal government. A decision will be made and an offer extended by Tuesday, May 12th.
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Riverdale